Tina Olechowski


Tina Olechowski brings 20 years of experience in political communications, messaging, and strategy. With her experience working on all facets of a campaign—polling, opposition research, communications, and paid media—Tina comes with a big-picture strategy and an effective, winning message for every ad campaign. 

A Brooklyn native, Tina became passionate about tackling issues early on. As a high school and college student, she fought for affordable housing and advocated on behalf of immigrants.

After graduating from Fordham University, Tina worked on a NYC mayoral race, served as District Rep. for Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, and later as a polling research analyst for President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential race. A few years later, she moved to D.C. to work for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee IE (DCCC), developing messaging strategies for TV ads in 48 congressional districts. 

In 2016, Tina served as the Research Director and Communications Advisor for Montana Governor Steve Bullock’s campaign, winning in a state that went for Donald Trump by over 20 points. She has since advised and worked on dozens of races across the country, including as a Regional Political Director at the House Majority PAC, where she executed more than $51 million in media strategies for 22 high-profile districts. 

She currently lives in Washington D.C. with her husband, Michael.




“If you’re not afraid, if you take everything you are, everything worthwhile in you and direct it at one goal, one ultimate mark, you’ve got to get there.” -James Dean